Databases, an introduction to fundamentals
15/11/2024Today we will talk about databases, which are often the backbone of modern computer systems, powering everything from business applications to social networks and e-commerce systems.
An overview of the most common commands in relational databases with SQL
01/12/2024In the previous chapter, we reviewed the origins and fundamentals of databases. We took a brief journey through the different types of databases, including relational ones.
Introduction to PostgreSQL, one of the most popular database engines
15/01/2025In this series, we’ve explored various database engines, such as SQLite, and the fundamental concepts of the relational model. Now, we’ll dive into PostgreSQL, a relational database management system (RDBMS) widely recognized for its robustness, scalability, and extensibility.
Database views, what are they and how to use them?
15/02/2025As databases grow larger and more complex, managing and accessing data efficiently becomes increasingly challenging. This is where database views come into play. A view acts as a “window” into the data stored in your database.
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