
  • QR Codes: origin, uses, and possibilities


    QR codes, or “Quick Response Codes”, created in 1994 by Masahiro Hara for the Japanese company Denso Wave, were originally designed to improve scanning speed in vehicle manufacturing but have transcended their initial industrial applications to become an almost ubiquitous tool in mobile technology and application development.

  • Diving deeper into Docker: basic administration techniques


    It’s crucial to understand some common parameters in Docker that are essential for its day-to-day administration. These parameters will help you manage and manipulate containers effectively.

  • Discovering Docker


    Docker is a virtualization platform that offers a unique methodology for packaging and distributing applications, allowing for a significant streamlining in all aspects of the technology stack.

  • Audio Manipulation in Videos


    In recent years, we are witnessing an unprecedented revolution in multimedia content creation, driven by the advancement of Artificial Intelligence. Language algorithms have progressed significantly, first generating and modifying text, then images, and more recently, videos and audio.